About 2017-08-23T06:56:21+00:00

About Us

Dave & Valerie Johnson
Founders of Magnetic Leaders and top Nikken leaders

Dave and Valerie Johnson are celebrating their 41st year in the wonderful world of multi-level marketing, more accurately described today as collaborative entrepreneurship. Dave and Valerie were leaders in several other companies.
They didn’t leave those companies—those companies left them. They know firsthand that the opportunity of a lifetime is only as good as the lifetime of the opportunity.

Dave and Valerie have 11 children and 40 grandchildren, so they know a little bit about building an organization and teaching others to do the same!

Now that Dave and Valerie are empty- nesters, Valerie enjoys bringing her considerable nurturing skills to growing and supporting their Nikken family. After all these years Dave is more excited than ever to make a difference in the world through the exciting mission of Nikken!


Chris Bruce
Family Man, Gold Ranking Nikken Consultant

In 1994 Chris suffered a severe back injury as the result of a automobile accident. He spent a year and a half in pain and under the care of multiple specialists with no response to treatment. Eventually they told him that there was nothing more they could do for him. They said he’d have to live with the pain, medicating it for the rest of his life.

This grim diagnosis was soon followed by his introduction to Nikken and their life-changing products. Since then, he has made a full recovery. He enjoys health, energy, vitality, and is thriving in the success of his Nikken business.